Saturday, May 17, 2008

Crisis Of Faith: Averted

So I’ve been reading that non-fiction novel “The Game,” and while I’m saving my next Book Club assessment until I’ve gotten a little further into it, right now I’d like to talk about the way it’s making me feel.

This book is sick, sick, sick. I can’t fault guys for wanting to get laid, but Jesus Tapdancing Christ! Are women really so easy to bed that all it takes is a applying a simple procedure, like sex is a math equation and we’re just the X Factor?

After only four chapters, I wanted to text Mind Fucker to get his reaction to my own initial reactions, but since my head was already ten different kinds of fucked up, I went the safe route and sent a text to The Renegade Millionaire instead. Here’s how that conversation progressed:

AB: Oh my God, RM, I’m reading this book called “The Game.” I’m only four chapters in and it’s making me hate guys and lose faith in humanity. Seriously.

RM: I’ve read it. Way too much work. Most guys do not employ such contrived tactics. Some do, however. We all have our own style (good or bad) and we don’t usually change it. But know: most men are pigs.

AB: That’s it. I’m going to die alone.

RM: No, just with a pig. C’mon Allie. Besides me, of course, you didn’t know this? You think all those guys were upstanding, straightforward and in it for your mind?

AB: No! But I thought I was playing them right back. Now I want to find the right guy, without games. This book makes it sound like all guys just want to play them! I’m finally ready to stop the insanity and it turns out it’s all insanity. What happened to love? I’m joining a convent.

RM: Slow down Sister Mary Alice! Here’s the deal. You have yet to meet the kind of guy you are looking for. Bars and clubs have drunks and sluts. That’s not where he is, is it? Change your pattern. Not having sex is a start but quit doing the same other things and hope for a different outcome. Also, for the first time in your slutty life you are truly open to love. Now you might actually see it with a clear head and heart when it comes strolling by.

He was right.

AB: Ok, I have crawled back in from the ledge. Lack of human contact does strange things to a person. I feel like I just had a Mr. Hyde moment. Who are you? Where am I? Thanks, as always, RM. By the way…call me slutty again and the next time I see you I’ll kick you in your old-but-surprisingly-taut balls.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RM is wise. Very wise.

Sorry so short--I'm saving my brain power for tomorrow morning's chemistry class. Can't wait for Thursday! We'll talk about the details soon. =)