Wednesday, June 11, 2008

More Miscellaneousness

My week has already been crazier than a shithouse rat, so today I’m just going to touch on a few things:

1. This weekend, I’m supposed to go to another party at Gatsby’s house. A pool party. As you may recall, he’s one of the (many) guys I dated between The Ex and Poor Bastard. There’s nothing like knowing you have to hang out with a dude you used to date while wearing a bikini to make you not want to eat for a week. So now I’m horny and hungry. Awesome.

2. A couple of people have mentioned to me that we should have some sort of party and/or organized-mass-binge-drinking-type function to celebrate the end of my celibacy. After giving the matter much consideration, I don’t think it’s wise for me to black out on the first day I can have sex again…because then I’m going to do something stupid. And then I might feel compelled to start The Celibacy Project all over again. And then I will have to slit my wrists.

3. Yet another one of my ex-boyfriends is officially engaged. Isn’t that just fucking wonderful?

That’s all I got. Back to the madness.


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